Are you a Master’s graduate looking for fully funded PhD opportunities? Explore the range of funded PhD programs available at the Lund University, Lund, Sweden. Apply online now and kickstart your doctoral journey!
1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Mechnical Engineering Sciences – focusing on Multi-sensor process monitoring
Summary of PhD Program:
The project is carried out within Sentio – Integrated Sensors and Adaptive Technology for Sustainable Products and Manufacturing – which is a newly inaugurated competence centre coordinated by Lund University in close collaboration with companies from Swedish industry, RISE, Region Skåne and trade associations. The goal is to create a world leading highly interdisciplinary research centre that brings together the wide range of diverse competences from industry and academia that are needed to develop integrated sensor technology with the capacity to significantly improve sustainability, reduce the use of resources, and increase competitiveness across industrial sectors of Sweden.
Application Deadline: 15.Aug.2024
2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biology with a focus on AI & Microbial Forensics
Summary of PhD Program:
We seek to recruit an excellent PhD student interested in doing world-class research at a leading lab. The position is suited for someone trained in engineering, computer science, and computational biology and has a strong quantitative background. Candidates should have solid computational skills, at least in Python and R. Candidates are also expected to have a strong grounding in math/statistics. The candidate will work jointly with Dr. Eran Elhaik and experts to develop forensic tools.
Application Deadline: 12.Aug.2024
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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Mechanical Engineering Sciences – Sentio Competence Center focusing on sensors technology in heat exchangers
Summary of PhD Program:
The project is carried out within Sentio – Integrated Sensors and Adaptive Technology for Sustainable Products and Manufacturing – which is a newly inaugurated competence centre coordinated by Lund University in close collaboration with companies from Swedish industry, RISE, Region Skåne and trade associations. The goal is to create a world leading highly interdisciplinary research centre that brings together the wide range of diverse competences from industry and academia that are needed to develop integrated sensor technology with the capacity to significantly improve sustainability, reduce the use of resources, and increase competitiveness across industrial sectors of Sweden.
Application Deadline: 11.Aug.2024
4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Sentio Competence Center with a focus on Sustainability Analysis and Modelling of Machining Operations
Summary of PhD Program:
The specific project will focus on developing, improving and testing models for sustainability assessment of machining processes, where both technology, materials and organizational approaches are relevant to consider. The solutions developed in the project will be multifaceted and require a holistic approach where integration and interdisciplinary approaches are needed. The studies will essentially be practical and technical in order to develop the right basis for decision-making.
Application Deadline: 11.Aug.2024
5. Fully Funded PhD Position in sustainable value chains for battery industries
Summary of PhD Program:
The doctoral student will be admitted to doctoral studies in Technology and society, specialising in emerging value chains for battery industries. EU plans to electrify the transport sector and rapidly build a new manufacturing industry to produce batteries. Batteries use critical raw materials that are imported from outside of Europe and sometimes hard to access due to stiff competition and geopolitical rivalry. It is presently unclear to what extent the emerging European battery industry will be able to source the required materials and how effective current policies are to deliver on policymakers’ ambitions.
Application Deadline: 09.Aug.2024
6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Electrical Engineering focusing on RF-devices and neuromorphic structures
Summary of PhD Program:
The focus for this position is to study III-V RF-transistors based on nanowires in scaled geometries and their use for neuromorphic calculations. Modeling of the dynamic transistor and device properties will be important. Applications are found in communication technology, quantum applications and radar technology.
Application Deadline: 05.Aug.2024
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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in diabetes and epigenetics within the DDLS program
Summary of PhD Program:
The main work tasks for PhD students are to devote themselves to their postgraduate education and therefore you will both be accepted as a student and employee at Lund University. You will also be admitted to the DDLS Research school, where you are expected to be an active participant. You will perform data-driven research by developing new blood-based epigenetics biomarkers for precision medicine that help patients with diabetes receive optimal treatment and reduce their complications. You will primarily work with the analysis of large-scale data from DNA methylation arrays and SNP arrays, along with prospective clinical data. You will perform multiome analyzes and use machine learning methods.
Application Deadline: 04.Aug.2024
8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Energy Sciences – COMPEL focusing on grid integration of batteries
Summary of PhD Program:
Batteries can be integrated at different levels of the electricity grid, such as generation, transmission, distribution, or end-use. Depending on the level and location of integration, batteries can have different impacts and benefits for the electricity system and the stakeholders involved. For example, batteries at the generation level can help renewable energy producers to increase their revenues and reduce their curtailment, while batteries at the end-use level can help consumers (as well as prosumers) to reduce their electricity bills and increase their resilience.
Application Deadline: 28.Jul.2024
9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Energy Sciences – COMPEL with focus on CFD and Data-Driven Modelling of Batteries
Summary of PhD Program:
We are seeking a highly motivated PhD candidate to join our research team for a project focused on enhancing battery safety through advanced modeling techniques. The objective of the project is to develop detailed models to better understand and mitigate thermal events in batteries. The successful applicant will employ computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and data-driven methods, such as machine learning, to study thermal runaway, venting processes, and the microscale mechanisms that can lead to battery failure. This research aims to significantly improve the predictive capabilities of battery management systems and ensure the stability and integrity of battery components.
Application Deadline: 28.Jul.2024
10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Physical Chemistry
Summary of PhD Program:
The main aim of this project is to identify synthetic counterparts for bio-materials and investigate how we can implement their properties to achieve, e.g., synthetic platelets and synthetic red blood cells (RBCs). These colloids will be used to generate a prototype of synthetic blood. Furthermore, the general understanding of the role of particle deformation on the flow properties of concentrated solutions, will help the understanding of blood diseases connected to the deformation of RBCs and the changes in the blood rheology (sickle cell disease), or to the changes in the blood viscosity due to an excess of RBCs (polycythemia). In general, we will develop protocols able to identify the basic properties on a nanoscopic-scale that synthetic colloids must have to achieve the aimed flow behavior at macroscopic length-scales.
Application Deadline: 12.Jul.2024
11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biology with the focus on Soil Microbial Ecology
Summary of PhD Program:
Soils contain large amounts of organic matter, despite the presence of an immense and starved decomposer community. This PhD project aims to increase our understanding of this seemingly paradoxical accumulation of organic compounds in soils, focusing on the part of soil organic matter deriving from dead microbes (“necromass”). We want to investigate the quality and persistence of microbial necromass, depending on the microbes’ death circumstances. To study microbial necromass dynamics we will use transparent, microfluidic soil models, developed in our lab, that allow us to employ microspatial structures as experimental factors and give us high control over experimental conditions.
Application Deadline: 03.Jul.2024
12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Physics within the discipline of development of nanowire solar cells for space applications
Summary of PhD Program:
The PhD project’s focus is based on basic materials physics to further develop and improve the synthesis, processing, and characterization of nanowire-based tandem solar cells. Triple bandgap wires have recently been demonstrated and now the challenge is to realize functioning solar cells that cover square centimeter large areas and have high efficiency. Modeling shows that the structure now obtained can achieve 47% efficiency, which remains to be shown. The nanowires can be used for flexible super-thin solar cells, which will be studied and developed.
Application Deadline: 01.Jul.2024
13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Electrical Engineering focusing on wide bandgap semiconductor devices for power electronics
Summary of PhD Program:
The topic of this project is to realize vertical semiconductor power electronics devices based on novel ultra wide bandgap materials such as AlGaN and Ga2O3. Such devices can reach substantially better performance as compared to traditional power electronic devices based on Si and SiC. You will fabricate and analyze novel devices based on these materials (transistors and diodes) and perform electrical characterization together with material scientists. The aim is to demonstrate high performance devices operating at high breakdown voltages (>1200V) with state-of-the-art values of the device resistances.
Application Deadline: 01.Jul.2024
14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Physics within studies of Li-ion batteries in thermal runaway
Summary of PhD Program:
The purpose of this doctoral project is to develop experimental methodology for studying batteries in thermal runaway and the subsequent venting process. The focus is on using laser diagnostics to determine properties such as gas composition, temperature, and particle velocity during the venting of a battery in thermal runaway. The research will primarily involve the Li-ion batteries that are commercially used today, but new battery technologies may also be studied.
Application Deadline: 30.Jun.2024
15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Electrical Engineering with focus on Integrated Analog Circuit Design
Summary of PhD Program:
The main duties of doctoral students are to devote themselves to their research studies, which includes participating in research projects and third cycle-courses. The work duties will also include teaching and other departmental duties (no more than 20%). Your work duties will also include supervision of undergraduate projects (including Master’s theses) and possibly supervision of younger doctoral students. As a doctoral student you are also going to travel to renown conferences to present your work to the widest possible audiences.
Application Deadline: 28.Jun.2024
16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Medical Radiation Physics with a focus on MR-Physics
Summary of PhD Program:
Diffusion MRI (dMRI) measures microscopic properties in the tissue by studying random motion of water molecules. In dense tissue, diffusion is slow, while it appears to be faster in looser tissue. Diffusion MRI can therefore detect cancers that cause the tissue to be abnormally dense. Unfortunately, current dMRI methods have a poor clinical performance. This shortcoming can be remedied by performing a wider range of diffusion encoding, and thereby learning more about the tissue microstructure. For example, we aim to distinguish properties like cell density, cell shape, cell size, blood volume, and cell membrane permeability. Once estimated, these parameters can serve as biomarkers to improve the diagnostics and monitoring of disease.
Application Deadline: 25.Jun.2024
17. Fully Funded PhD Position in microbiology in the medical field
Summary of PhD Program:
The successful candidate will join the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University, working within the Department of Experimental Medical Science. You will become a member of a collaborative and supportive working environment, with colleagues from various disciplines. Most research will be carried out at the Biomedical Centre (BMC) in central Lund, offering a vibrant scientific community. We embrace collaborations and you will be involved in collaborative projects with the University of Gothenburg and Copenhagen University and other international institutions.
Application Deadline: 25.Jun.2024
18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Electrical Engineering focusing on analog electronics and modeling for 6G
Summary of PhD Program:
This position requires undertaking modeling, design, and implementation of RF front-end for large intelligent surfaces (LISs), a form of extreme-scale distributed MIMO (D-MIMO), intended for the forthcoming 6G wireless connectivity. Our project aims to develop design guidelines for these LISs and construct the next-generation LuMaMi testbed, called LuLIS (Lund University Large Intelligent Surface testbed), using cutting-edge digital platforms, with a concurrent effort to develop and implement a custom RF transceiver chip to achieve the utmost integration and energy efficiency. An important task is to model non-idealities of the RF front-end and identify trade-offs on the system level design of extreme-scale D-MIMO systems targeting a good balance between performance and energy efficiency.
Application Deadline: 25.Jun.2024
19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Chemical Physics (Understanding fundamental photophysical properties of DNA- templated silver nanoclusters)
Summary of PhD Program:
The candidate will have to learn basic theoretical background and experimental implementation of the two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES). The project will involve the further development of the existing 2DES setup to employ recently generated broadband pulses. By employing the 2DES technique, the systematically chosen DNA-templated silver nanoclusters (AgN-DNA), synthesised and purified by our synthesis collaborators, will be investigated. Obtained data will be analysed with the existing analysis programs. The main goal is to understand the fundamental photophysical properties of these fascinating complexes.
Application Deadline: 24.Jun.2024
20. Fully Funded PhD Position in Physics with focus on atomic-scale surface characterization and functionalization of semiconductor nanostructures
Summary of PhD Program:
The aim of this project is to study surfaces of technologically relevant semiconductor nanostructures at the atomic scale, even during surface modification or during device operation. We will focus on III-V semiconductors and semiconductor nanowires including heterostructures of different material, doping, or crystal phase. Such materials are applied for novel electronic or optoelectronic devices and within energy harvesting. Surface functionalization of these materials may lead to novel properties, and you will study effects like quantum confinement or formation of topological insulators.
Application Deadline: 23.Jun.2024
21. Fully Funded PhD Position in protein machine learning
Summary of PhD Program:
The project aims to better understand how conformational changes are encoded in protein sequences, and to develop new methodology to predict conformational diversity and changes using machine learning. With the help of deep-learning approaches methods to predict flexibility, conformational changes, and structural ensembles will be developed. The project may also involve application of the methodology in the computational design of proteins with the ability to sample conformational states. The methodology can involve the utilization of generative models to sample protein structures, extension of deep-learning frameworks for protein structure prediction, language models and algorithms for morphing and clustering. The recruited candidate will be enrolled in a graduate school in machine learning through WASP.
Application Deadline: 21.Jun.2024