21 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

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Are you a Master’s graduate looking for fully funded PhD opportunities? Explore the range of funded PhD programs available at the Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. Apply online now and kickstart your doctoral journey! 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in computer science

Summary of PhD Program:

With the advent of novel VR/XR devices, we envision an increasing number of social interactions with AI-animated avatar. Compared to the limitations of hardware humanoid robots, the bodily and facial expressions of contemporary avatars can be rendered with much more detail, making them a fertile platform for research on human-AI interaction. Meaningful interaction with avatars requires autonomous generation of verbal as well as non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication involves not only co-gestures that support speech, but also the emission of feedback signals while listening. 

Application Deadline: Dec 31, 2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Electromechanical Engineering

Summary of PhD Program:

As a PhD researcher, you are responsible for discovering winding degradation due to partial discharge and thermal cycling and developing an assessment tool for coupled thermo-electric winding degradation. During the PhD research, you will have a strong collaboration with industry partners involved in the project, and together theoretically and practically, you will be very active.

Application Deadline: Oct 31, 2024

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biotechnology

Summary of PhD Program:

The continued spread of anti-microbial resistant bacterial pathogens together with a lag in the development of suitable antibiotic alternatives set the alarm bells ringing in public and animal health. The ImmunoKeys project brings together experts in synthetic biology and animal immunology to engineer microbial cell factories capable of producing structurally well-defined chitooligosaccharides with optimal immunostimulating properties via an integrated Design-Build-Test-Learn (DBTL) cycle. The obtained knowledge will lay the foundation for the development of these glycans as innovative alternatives for antibiotics in animal health during the duration of your PhD.

Application Deadline: Oct 01, 2024

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Electrical Engineering

Summary of PhD Program:

As a PhD student, your task will be to modify the design of the electrical machine to achieve the predefined motor key performance indicators (torque density, efficiency, cost). The research will introduce and simulate new concepts and further improve and adapt existing design tools for axial flux motors. Additionally, a new prototype will be built to implement and validate these new concepts. You will take part in the daily operation of the research group and participate in collaborative research with industrial and academic partners. Furthermore, you will publish your research results at major international conferences and in journal papers, as part of meeting the requirements for your Ph.D.

Application Deadline: Sep 30, 2024

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Materials, Textiles and Chemical Engineering

Summary of PhD Program:

The research group Mechanics of Materials and Structures at Ghent University (UGent-MMS) has 4 vacancies for PhD research in the field of fibre-reinforced composites. The vacancies are linked to research on composite hydrogen tanks, micromechanical testing of composites and finite element modelling of textile connections.

Application Deadline: Sep 30, 2024

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Political Sciences

Summary of PhD Program:

We offer a full-time position for initially one year. Upon positive evaluation, the position can be extended for three additional years to allow the researcher to complete a PhD on the topic of the project within four years. You will work under the joint supervision of Prof. Thijs Van de Graaf and Prof. Ferdi De Ville (GIES). You will have the opportunity to follow trainings (including through Doctoral Schools), attend international conferences and spend a research stay abroad.

Application Deadline: Sep 01, 2024

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Political Sciences

Summary of PhD Program:

The doctoral project could, for example, map and explain which instruments at which levels the EU mainly employs in its green industrial policy, and what differences we observe between various green technologies (e.g., wind turbines, solar panels, and batteries). You could investigate the consequences of European green industrial policy for the speed of the energy transition, for growth and employment, and for energy security and strategic autonomy, and what trade-offs and contradictions arise. Alternatively, the project could focus on the external dimension of green industrial policy and investigate the impact on (relations with) other countries, and how the European Union tries to manage these external effects.

Application Deadline: Sep 01, 2024

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Causal Machine Learning

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD position is one of multiple positions being opened in connection to Advanced ERC Grant ACME ‘Assumption-lean (Causal) Modeling and Estimation’. In an era where the focus on causal inference is increasingly turning away from modeling towards quantifying population-level intervention effects, there is a risk of oversimplifying causal queries and of neglecting the rich history and efficacy of statistical modeling techniques. This ERC project aims to bridge this gap by leveraging the flexibility and power of statistical models to accurately represent intervention effects or facets of the causal data-generating mechanism, integrating it with recent insights from debiased machine learning and causal inference. 

Application Deadline: Sep 01, 2024

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Physics and Astronomy

Summary of PhD Program:

Hard X-ray ptychography is one of the most advanced microscopy techniques to visualize materials in structures in 3D at a spatial resolution better than 100 nm. However, the technique is currently only available at synchrotron facilities, with very limited availability. In this project, we aim to bring hard X-ray ptychography to laboratory facilities. This project is an international collaboration between Ghent University, University College London (UK) and the Diamond Light Source (UK) and brings together different expertise and possibilities for experiments.

Application Deadline: Aug 31, 2024

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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biotechnology

Summary of PhD Program:

The FWO project MycoMatters aims to develop a robust process for production of 100% biobased and biodegradable mycelium-based materials with improved properties, such as mechanical strength and flexibility, durability but also visual and sensory attributes. In this specific PhD project, the main objective is to integrate a bacterial synthetic biology host in a co-cultivation approach to optimize cost-efficiency of the process and quality of the product. Furthermore, the bacterial host will be engineered to enhance material properties.

Application Deadline: Aug 24, 2024

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Criminology

Summary of PhD Program:

‘Big data policing’ can be seen as an innovative, information-driven policing strategy where advanced statistical methods analyze historical data to predict where and when there is a high risk of new crime. In current big data policing applications, algorithms are developed to “learn” from past crime patterns to predict future trends and patterns. Big data policing attracts the interest of many police forces in Europe. This research project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) aims to develop an evidence-based big data policing model that will be tested in various European cities.

Application Deadline: Aug 16, 2024

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Law

Summary of PhD Program:

The Center for the Law of Obligations and Property is looking for a highly motivated and talented PhD student to join our team. The research focus can be in one of the following areas, based on your preference:

  • The use of artificial intelligence by courts/judges
  • AI and bankruptcy/insolvency law
  • Private law aspects of renewable energy projects
  • Property Law
  • Security rights
  • AI and private law (provided that this aligns with the expertise of the supervisor)

Application Deadline: Aug 15, 2024

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Data Analysis and Mathematical Modelling

Summary of PhD Program:

Engineered and controlled in-vitro cell cultures will become key in future production of biologics, drug tests, tissue engineering, and even food production (e.g. artificial meat). The behaviour of those cells not only depends on their genetics; they also respond to changes of chemical signals, to their organization and embedding, and to bio-physical cues such as forces. Computational models to predict experimental outcomes have the potential to speed up our knowledge and reduce the costs of development. 

Application Deadline: Aug 15, 2024

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Food Technology, Safety and Health

Summary of PhD Program:

In this specific PhD project, the main objective is to optimize the growth and production conditions of different selected strains to have maximum pigment production. Furthermore, emphasis will go on extraction of the pigments, and upscaling the optimized processes. If yields remain too low with natural microorganisms, synthetic biology tools will be used to increase the pigment production.

Application Deadline: Aug 10, 2024

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Political Sciences

Summary of PhD Program:

A long tradition of literature emphasizes that the stability of democracies rests upon its citizens. According to scholars like Easton (1975) and Norris (2011), citizens’ support for the political system and their commitment to democracy is vital for its functioning and endurance. Though citizens overwhelmingly support democracy as the most desirable form of governance (Wike et al. 2017; Wuttke et al. 2022), they are often willing to condone undemocratic acts as long as they stand to gain from them politically (Krishnarajan 2023). Citizens are, for instance, inclined to vote for undemocratic candidates that align with their partisan preferences (Graham & Svolik 2020), and they are willing to accept flawed democratic processes as long as they are on the winning side (Werner et al. 2023). 

Application Deadline: Aug 01, 2024

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in plant sensors and modelling for tomato

Summary of PhD Program:

DigiKas is dedicated to enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of greenhouse horticulture. By promoting the use of plant sensors, we aim to improve the monitoring of plant behaviour in climate-controlled greenhouses, and advance data-driven cultivation management among Flemish tomato growers. Our focus includes identifying and addressing bottlenecks in sensor application and digitalization, improving tomato growers’ competencies with sensor use, and increasing knowledge on resource-saving strategies related to light, energy, water, and CO2.

Application Deadline: Jul 31, 2024

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Electronics and Information Systems

Summary of PhD Program:

In the PASTIME project, we will search for methodologies to study the kinetics of drug transport. Since experiments often are too expensive or lack sufficient detail, molecular simulations can give insight in the dynamics of drug binding to proteins, or the permeation kinetics of those drug molecules through membranes. While such computational methodologies exist, new fundamental developments are needed to understand the ‘time’ aspects and to make the computations feasible with present-day computer power.

Application Deadline: Jul 31, 2024

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Experimental Clinical and Health Psychology

Summary of PhD Program:

Children who are fluent at arithmetic are often also better readers. Furthermore, diagnoses of dyslexia (reading and/or spelling disorder) and dyscalculia (arithmetic disorder) often go hand in hand. In this research project we investigate which factors in preschool ameliorate or hinder the development of reading and arithmetic skills, and the extent to which these factors are shared between reading and arithmetic. We investigate both factors within the child (e.g., intelligence, language, executive functions, phonological and numerical skills, etc.), as well as factors in the child’s environment (e.g., home environment, school context, etc.).

Application Deadline: Jul 31, 2024

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Movement and Sports Sciences

Summary of PhD Program:

You will conduct academic research in the field of Sport Policy and Sport Management and in particular on ethical challenges in sport, such as fraud in sport, good governance, diversity and integrity management. Research may involve both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis techniques. You will participate in international academic conferences and publish scientific articles in high-quality academic journals.

Application Deadline: Jul 29, 2024

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20. Fully Funded PhD Position in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics

Summary of PhD Program:

The HCRC laboratory is looking for a talented and motivated PhD student to join our group. The perspective will work closely with other lab members and our collaborators in the network to develop software tools and perform analysis of single-cell multi-omics and spatial transcriptomic data to generate new insights in the HIV viral reservoir at the single-cell resolution. With a combination of both experimental and computational approaches, our group provides an excellent environment for interdisciplinary research focusing on the understanding of the viral host factors influencing the SIV/HIV reservoir.

Application Deadline: Jul 26, 2024

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21. Fully Funded PhD Position in Green Chemistry and Technology

Summary of PhD Program:

The Research Group PaInT (Particle and Interfacial Technology Group) is Seeking a PhD Student on the Topic of Flexible Source Utilization in RO for Robust Water Supply. The PaInT group, led by Professors Emile Cornelissen and Marjolein Vanoppen, focuses on physico-chemical water technology with an emphasis on membrane technology. The research is conducted in close collaboration with the Sustainable Systems Engineering (STEN) research group. Both groups are part of the Department of Green Chemistry and Technology at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering. You will join a young and growing research group in the brand new CAPTURE (www.capture-resources.be) building. 

Application Deadline: Jul 23, 2024

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