Are you a Master’s graduate looking for fully funded PhD opportunities? Explore the range of funded PhD programs available at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark. Apply online now and kickstart your doctoral journey!
1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Science Learning Spaces as Learning Media
Summary of PhD Program:
The PhD project should be relevant to practice in the Danish primary school and/or teacher education. The new quality program for primary schools allocates 2.6 billion DKK for investments in better learning spaces and class rooms and environments that encourage play and movement, along with 540 million DKK for books. Learning environment, tools, instruments and other learning media and educational technologies are central focus areas in science subjects, involving literacy, multimodality, aesthetics, engineering design, place-based teaching, external learning environments, outdoor school, connection to nature, and student experience in science education.
Application Deadline: 09/15/2024
2. Fully Funded PhD Position in LLM-assisted Multirobot Mission Planning and Control
Summary of PhD Program:
The successful candidate will become part of the SDU UAS Center, where we conduct cutting-edge research in civilian drone technologies and future drone applications across critical sectors, including search and rescue, agriculture, inspection, energy, and healthcare. At the core of our mission is the development of innovative drone solutions that tackle significant societal challenges. We are dedicated to fostering a dynamic and inspiring work environment where creativity thrives. We frequently collaborate closely with world-leading companies, some of which are integral to the vibrant robotics startup community in Odense.
Application Deadline: 09/01/2024
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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI-modelling of Powerful Microwaves in Fusion Plasmas
Summary of PhD Program:
Powerful microwaves interact strongly and non-linearly with hot plasmas relevant for fusion energy. Such waves provide a means of heating and stabilising fusion plasmas as well as measuring many aspects of the state of the plasma. Modelling wave-plasma interactions is computationally demanding. With AI based modelling, scientific investigations and concept developments will be massively accelerated and new areas of enquiry will become accessible. University of Southern Denmark (SDU) is pursuing this in tight collaboration with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP), EPFL (Switzerland), CCFE (UK) and MIT (USA).
Application Deadline: 09/01/2024
4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Neuromechanics and Motor Control of Voice
Summary of PhD Program:
The Vocal neuromechanics lab uses a combination of experimental and computational approaches to study motor control and physical mechanisms of sound production in the vocal vertebrates. We use and develop methods from biomechanics, electrophysiology, acoustics, and behaviour at different levels of organization (cellular, whole organ, in vivo).
Application Deadline: 09/16/2024
5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Political Science; Border Region and European Studies
Summary of PhD Program:
As a PhD student, you will be affiliated with the Centre for Border Region Studies (CBRS), a research institution located in Sønderborg. The aim of the Centre is to promote comparative aspects of European border regions in research, teaching, and dissemination. The CBRS is the only research centre in border studies in Denmark and is responsible for the European Studies bachelor programme. The Centre is part of the International and Regional Politics (IRP) research section and of the Department of Political Science and Public Management.
Application Deadline: 10/11/2024
6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Political Science
Summary of PhD Program:
The Public Administration, Welfare and Politics research section is comprised of the two research fields public administration and welfare studies. The scholars focus on various research areas within public management and administration, comparative welfare studies and social policy as well as comparative politics and political economy. The section also provides high-quality, research-based teaching and supervision in the political science study program and the two professional master study programs in public management, and they disseminate research-based knowledge to key stakeholders.
Application Deadline: 15 October 2024
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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Behavioural science insights for nature-based solutions
Summary of PhD Program:
This PhD is embedded within a large Horizon project funded by the European Union (ΕU) which aims to develop and promote Nature-based Solutions (NbS). NbS are management solutions including and inspired by nature to address a variety of environmental and sustainability challenges, while enhancing biodiversity and other ecological functions. Climate adaptation and mitigation are important focus areas where NbS are expected to be essential instruments toward the goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 as well as transforming society towards climate resilience.
Application Deadline: 09/16/2024
8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum Mathematics – Mathematical Physics
Summary of PhD Program:
The PhD project will be funded by a recently awarded Sapere Aude Starting Grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark. It will be carried out within the Centre for Quantum Mathematics (QM). QM is located at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science on the international campus of the University of Southern Denmark in Odense, Denmark. QM is established with the ambition to create a highly international and interdisciplinary group within a broad spectrum of pure mathematics and mathematical physics. Odense is a fast-growing international community with an open Scandinavian culture, affordable housing and living costs.
Application Deadline: 09/01/2024
9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Advanced Thin Films for High Performance and Scalable Photovoltaics
Summary of PhD Program:
The PhD position is a part of the SDU CAPE research center at the Mads Clausen Institute, SDU, where we focus on designing, developing, and bringing forward new sustainable solar energy conversion and storage technologies, in particular new thin film solar cells and modules. This PhD position is focused on development of scalable organic, hybrid and metal oxide thin films, as well as their integration by design into new sustainable thin film solar cells and modules. The project will be part of existing national and international collaborations, and research stays abroad is part of the position.
Application Deadline: 5 September 2024
10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Software Technologies for Using Data to Program Robots
Summary of PhD Program:
We value teamwork, professional diligence, enthusiasm for technology and the drive to adopt new skills and extended responsibilities. We offer an open, international team with flexible work organization and support of individual development. The group is involved in a variety of national and European projects and features a strong network of academic and industrial partners. We solve challenging research problems from real applications and implement novel software and robot solutions together with end users such as Universal Robots, Terma, LEGO, Danfoss, and Novo Nordisk.
Application Deadline: 6 September 2024
11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum Field Theory Centre
Summary of PhD Program:
Quantum) Gravity: Rigorous approaches to (quantum) gravity from effective quantum metric descriptions to string theory, precise results in (quantum) black hole and wormhole physics including entanglement.
Quantum Field Theory: Conformal field theory and/or conformal window of gauge theories, exact results in semiclassical methods, effective field theories, renormalization group, high order perturbation theory, higher symmetries.
Application Deadline: 8 September 2024
12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Building Stock Characterisation and Circularity Aspects as Factors in Material Output Valuation
Summary of PhD Program:
The PhD project at University of Southern Denmark (research project 3c) is part of the response to the third objective, ‘Value of the building that is mobile’. This project will study how features of circularity contribute to the value of materials during the urban mining of buildings and the phase of material mobility between an old and new destination, using quantum concepts. The objective of 3c is to explore, develop, and test the environmental and social values of demountable materials on their many potential circular destinations, considering exchangeability, destination flexibility, and reconfigurability.
Application Deadline: 23 September 2024
13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Multi-level Material Cycles and Market Dynamics
Summary of PhD Program:
The PhD project at University of Southern Denmark (research project 3b) is part of the response to the third objective, ‘Value of the building that is mobile’. The valuation of building materials is crucial, and complex because of the volatility of building material markets. Parallel to project 3a, this project will further explore how the material cycles (e.g., production, manufacturing, use, and end-of-life management) and market dynamics (e.g., demand and supply of scrap in the building and non-building sectors) will affect the value of demounted building material. For example, fast-growing steel scrap from the transport sector will influence the supply and thus market economics of building steel recycling.
Application Deadline: 23 September 2024